
The Stealth skill allows you to avoid detection, both when hiding in place and trying to move about unseen.

Silent Movement
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when attempting to move quietly.
You gain a bonus +0 to Stealth when hiding in natural environments (like forests, caves, or fields).
Quick Escape
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when attempting to escape from a chase or to hide quickly from an immediate threat.
Distraction Tactics
Once per session, you may spend 1 Fate Point to create a distraction that allows you and your allies to gain +2 to their next Stealth check or to avoid detection altogether.
Unseen Assailant
If you succeed on a Stealth check to hide, you gain a +1 bonus on your first attack roll against a target that hasn’t detected you.
Undercover Master
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when using disguises or deception to avoid detection.