Influence represents your ability to manipulate, inspire, deceive, intimidate, and understand others. This skill encompasses all forms of social manipulation, whether through charm, cunning, or force of will. You can use Influence to win people over, manipulate their emotions, or even push them into actions they wouldn’t normally take.
- Silver Tongue
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when trying to deceive others or tell convincing lies.
- Master Manipulator
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when pitting two or more people or groups against each other.
- Inspiring Leader
- Once per scene, you can use Influence to grant your allies a bonus +1 to their next action by giving a stirring speech or offering encouragement.
- Psychological Warfare
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when making mental attacks by demoralizing or intimidating your opponents.
- Lie Detector
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when trying to detect deception in others, whether by reading their body language, tone, or emotional state.
- Rabble-Rouser
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to manipulate or incite a crowd to act in your favor, such as starting a protest, riot, or mass support for your cause.
- Fearsome Presence
- Once per scene, you can use Influence to attack against all enemies, giving them a -1 penalty by intimidating them and inspiring fear.
- Trustworthy Face
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to convince someone that you’re trustworthy or when persuading them to act against their better judgment.
- Terrorizing Glare
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when intimidating someone by glaring, using body language, or making subtle threats.
- Subtly Persuasion
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to manipulate someone subtly, without directly confronting or arguing with them. This is useful for changing minds over time without drawing attention to your efforts.
- Soothe Emotions
- You grant all your allies a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to calm someone’s emotions, such as diffusing anger, assuaging fear, or comforting someone in distress.
- Master Negotiator
- You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when negotiating deals or settlements, ensuring that both sides feel satisfied (even if you’re really the one who comes out ahead).
- Mind Games
- When you succeed with +3 or more on a Influence roll against a target, you can grant all your allies an advantage against the same target on all of their Influence rolls.