The Fight skill covers all forms of close-quarters combat, both unarmed and using weapons.
- Backup Weapon
- Once per session, at the start of the combat, if you are unarmed, you can spend 1 Fate Point to declare that you have a backup weapon, a dagger.
- Shield Bash
- You can use shields as offensive weapons. The shield’s damage is equal to its Physique requirement.
- Weapon Mastery
- Choose one damage type: slashing, piercing, bluegeoning. You gain a bonus +1 to damage when using that weapon in combat. You may take this stunt multiple times, each time for a different damage type.
- Parry and Riposte
- Once per turn, when you succeed with +3 or more on your defense against a melee attack, you can immediately make an attack against your attacker.
- Power Attack
- When you make a Fight attack, you may reduce your defense by -1 until the start of your next turn to add a bonus +1 shifts to the attack.
- Multi Attack
- You can make two Fight attacks in a single turn, though you suffer a -1 penalty to both attacks. If you perform multi-attack while wielding two weapons, you can make three attacks, and you still suffer the -1 penalty to all your attacks.
- Berserker Rage
- Once per conflict, when you take physical stress, you may choose to enter a rage. While raging, you gain +2 to melee damage but take an additional 1 damage from all incoming attacks.