Contacts is the skill of knowing and making connections with people. It presumes proficiency with all means of networking available in the setting.
You use Contacts to finding someone you need to find. Whether that’s old-fashioned “man on the street” type of work, polling your information network, or searching archives, you’re able to hunt down people or somehow get access to them.
- Ear to the Ground
- Whenever someone initiates a conflict against you in an area where you’ve built a network of contacts, you use Contacts instead of Notice to determine turn order, because you got tipped off in time.
- Rumormonger
- You gain a bonus +1 to create an advantage when you plant vicious rumors about someone else.
- Underworld Informant
- You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about illegal activities, criminal organizations, or locating black market goods.
- High Society
- You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about nobles, court officials, or anyone in high society.
- Mercenary Ties
- You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about groups of mercenaries, sell-swords, or guards to assist with a specific task, such as providing providing protection or helping in combat.