

The Athletics skill represents your character’s general level of physical fitness, whether through training, natural gifts, or other means (like magic or genetic alteration). It’s how good you are at moving your body. As such, it is a popular choice for nearly any action-y character.

Athletics is a catch-all skill to roll for defense in all kind of conflicts, against close-quarters and ranged attacks.

Fancy Footwork
When you successfully defend with Athletics against a melee attack, you may choose to immediately move 2 meters. This movement doesn’t trigger any Attack of Opportunities.
Uncanny Dodge
When you successfully defend with Athletics against a ranged attack, you may choose to immediately move 2 meters. This movement doesn’t trigger any Attack of Opportunities.
Danger Sense
You gain a bonus +2 to Athletics when defending against physical melee or ranged attacks, provided you are surprised.
Fleet of Foot
When you take the Dash action, you can move an extra of 4 meters.
Sprinter’s Charge
Once per scene, when you Dash, you can make an Attack as part of the same Dash action. If you miss your attack or cannot make an attack during your turn, you fall prone.
Leap of the Tiger
You gain a +1 bonus to Athletics rolls when attempting to jump long distances, leap across gaps, or reach high places.
Climbing Expert
You gain a +1 bonus to Athletics rolls for climbing, and you can climb without any equipment, even in difficult conditions, unless the surface is completely smooth.
Slow Fall
You take no stress or consequences from falls or being forcibly knocked prone as long as you succeed on an Athletics roll.


The Burglary skill covers your character’s aptitude for stealing things and getting into places that are off-limits.

You can case a location with Burglary, to determine how hard it will be to break into and what kind of security you’re dealing with, as well as discover any vulnerabilities you might exploit. You can also examine the work of other burglars to determine how a particular heist was done, and create or discover aspects related to whatever evidence they may have left behind.

Talk the Talk
You can use Burglary in place of Contacts whenever you’re dealing specifically with other thieves and burglars.
Master of Locks
You gain a bonus +1 to Burglary rolls when picking locks or disabling magical locks, including those that require a physical or arcane key.
Quick Fingers
You gain a bonus +1 to Burglary rolls related to sleight of hand, such as planting or stealing small objects.
Trap Specialist
You gain a bonus +1 to Burglary rolls when detecting, disarming, or bypassing traps, both mechanical and magical in nature.
Silent Infiltration
You gain a bonus +1 to Burglary rolls when infiltrating buildings, castles, or dungeons, as long as you’re trying to avoid detection.
Escape Artist
You can use Burglary instead of Athletics or Physique to escape from grapples, bindings, or locked cells.


Contacts is the skill of knowing and making connections with people. It presumes proficiency with all means of networking available in the setting.

You use Contacts to finding someone you need to find. Whether that’s old-fashioned “man on the street” type of work, polling your information network, or searching archives, you’re able to hunt down people or somehow get access to them.

Ear to the Ground
Whenever someone initiates a conflict against you in an area where you’ve built a network of contacts, you use Contacts instead of Notice to determine turn order, because you got tipped off in time.
You gain a bonus +1 to create an advantage when you plant vicious rumors about someone else.
Underworld Informant
You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about illegal activities, criminal organizations, or locating black market goods.
High Society
You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about nobles, court officials, or anyone in high society.
Mercenary Ties
You gain a bonus +1 to Contacts rolls when gathering information about groups of mercenaries, sell-swords, or guards to assist with a specific task, such as providing providing protection or helping in combat.


Crafts represents your ability to create, repair, and modify physical objects using a variety of tools, materials, and knowledge. This skill covers everything from traditional blacksmithing and construction to magical item creation, potion brewing, alchemy, medical procedures, and even intricate handcrafts.

Master Blacksmith
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when forging weapons or armor (excluding gunpowder weapons).
Potion Brewer
You gain a bonus +1 to your Crafts when brewing potions or alchemical concoctions.
Magic Item Creator
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when creating or enhancing magical items.
Alchemical Savant
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when creating bombs and gunpowder weapons.
Surgical Experties
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when performing medical operations or complex surgeries.
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when working with stone or masonry.
Trap Maker
Any trap you make gains a bonus +1 to difficulty to disarm.
You gain a bonus +1 to Crafts when working with precious metals and gems to craft jewelry.
Artificer’s Eye
You may use Crafts instead of Lore when identifying magical items, potions, or alchemical substances, gaining a +1 bonus to discover their properties or functions.


The Demon skill determines your level of demonic prowess. You can see all of the benefits of the Demonism skill in Demon page.


The Drive skill is all about operating vehicles and things that go fast.

Animal Sense
You gain a bonus +1 to all rolls related to searching or tracking a person, creature, or object over distances when using your mount’s enhanced sense of smell. This bonus also applies to locating applies to locating hidden or concealed targets by following scents or trails others might miss.
Pedal to the Saddle
Your mount (horse, dire wolf, etc.) gains a bonus +2 meters to movement.
Mounted Combatant
When you succeed on a Drive roll while mounted, you may gain a free attack against an opponent. This attack represents you using your mount’s momentum to aid your strike.
Beast Whisperer
You gain a bonus +1 to Drive when attempting to control or calm an agitated or wild mount, whether it’s a horse, dire wolf, or even a magical creature like a hippogriff.
You gain a bonus +1 to Drive when piloting vehicles or constructs, such as ships or enchanted carriages.


The Fight skill covers all forms of close-quarters combat, both unarmed and using weapons.

Backup Weapon
Once per session, at the start of the combat, if you are unarmed, you can spend 1 Fate Point to declare that you have a backup weapon, a dagger.
Shield Bash
You can use shields as offensive weapons. The shield’s damage is equal to its Physique requirement.
Weapon Mastery
Choose one damage type: slashing, piercing, bluegeoning. You gain a bonus +1 to damage when using that weapon in combat. You may take this stunt multiple times, each time for a different damage type.
Parry and Riposte
Once per turn, when you succeed with +3 or more on your defense against a melee attack, you can immediately make an attack against your attacker.
Power Attack
When you make a Fight attack, you may reduce your defense by -1 until the start of your next turn to add a bonus +1 shifts to the attack.
Multi Attack
You can make two Fight attacks in a single turn, though you suffer a -1 penalty to both attacks. If you perform multi-attack while wielding two weapons, you can make three attacks, and you still suffer the -1 penalty to all your attacks.
Berserker Rage
Once per conflict, when you take physical stress, you may choose to enter a rage. While raging, you gain +2 to melee damage but take an additional 1 damage from all incoming attacks.


Influence represents your ability to manipulate, inspire, deceive, intimidate, and understand others. This skill encompasses all forms of social manipulation, whether through charm, cunning, or force of will. You can use Influence to win people over, manipulate their emotions, or even push them into actions they wouldn’t normally take.

Silver Tongue
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when trying to deceive others or tell convincing lies.
Master Manipulator
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when pitting two or more people or groups against each other.
Inspiring Leader
Once per scene, you can use Influence to grant your allies a bonus +1 to their next action by giving a stirring speech or offering encouragement.
Psychological Warfare
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when making mental attacks by demoralizing or intimidating your opponents.
Lie Detector
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when trying to detect deception in others, whether by reading their body language, tone, or emotional state.
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to manipulate or incite a crowd to act in your favor, such as starting a protest, riot, or mass support for your cause.
Fearsome Presence
Once per scene, you can use Influence to attack against all enemies, giving them a -1 penalty by intimidating them and inspiring fear.
Trustworthy Face
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to convince someone that you’re trustworthy or when persuading them to act against their better judgment.
Terrorizing Glare
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when intimidating someone by glaring, using body language, or making subtle threats.
Subtly Persuasion
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to manipulate someone subtly, without directly confronting or arguing with them. This is useful for changing minds over time without drawing attention to your efforts.
Soothe Emotions
You grant all your allies a bonus +1 to Influence when attempting to calm someone’s emotions, such as diffusing anger, assuaging fear, or comforting someone in distress.
Master Negotiator
You gain a bonus +1 to Influence when negotiating deals or settlements, ensuring that both sides feel satisfied (even if you’re really the one who comes out ahead).
Mind Games
When you succeed with +3 or more on a Influence roll against a target, you can grant all your allies an advantage against the same target on all of their Influence rolls.


Lore represents your deep knowledge of specialized subjects, ranging from the supernatural to the scholarly. You understand the workings of ancient magic, dark creatures, secretive organizations, and the arts. This skill encompasses everything from occult knowledge to academic understanding, allowing you to call upon centuries of wisdom in any situation.

Medical Experties
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when diagnosing or treating diseases and injuries.
Once per session, you may declare that you know a demon’s specific weakness or vulnerability. You learn that Demon’s Trouble.
Vampire Hunter
Once per session, you may declare that you know a vampire’s specific weakness or vulnerability. You learn that Vampire’s Trouble.
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when identifying a ritual.
Art Critic
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when appraising or identifying the origins, history, or creator of a piece of art. You can also use this knowledge to impress or manipulate others at high-society events by creating advantages like “Admired Art Connoisseur.”
Ancient Historian
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when recalling or researching ancient history, including extinct civilizations, forgotten wars, or archaeological discoveries.
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when examining ancient ruins or identifying historical artifacts.
Melodic Genius
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore rolls related to music.
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when identifying or attempting to break curses.
Occult Investigator
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when investigating identifying traces of magic in the environment, such as ritualistic markings, demonic symbols, or signs of a haunting.
You gain a bonus +1 to Lore when identifying herbs. You may also use this stunt to justify treating mild consequences related to poison or illness.


The Magic skill gauges your proficiency in acquiring and casting spells, as well as the extent of your mana reservoir.

Your maximum mana is equal to n × n, where n is your Magic skill level.

Quick Casting
Once per session, you may cast a 1st level spell as a free action.
Spell Mastery
Choose one type of magic (e.g., elemental, illusion, healing). You gain +1 to Magic rolls when casting spells of that type.
Mana Potent
Your mana pool is expanded to its 1.5 times of your normal capacity.
Elemental Affinity
Choose an element: fire, frost, lightning. You gain +1 to elemental damage when casting spells of that element.
Extended Casting
When casting a spell with a duration, you can spend double the mana cost to double the duration of the spell.
Mana Sense
You gain a bonus +1 to Magic when searching for magical items or spells in your vicinity. Once per session, you can identify the presence and source of magic within a radius of 15 meters.
Eldritch Shield
When you cast a spell, you may spend 3 mana to create a temporary shield that absorbs elemental damage equal to your Magic skill level. This shield lasts until it absorbs its maximum amount of damage.


Perception is the skill used when methodically gathering information, analyzing clues, and uncovering hidden truths. Whether searching for hidden traps, unraveling mysteries, or piecing together evidence from a crime scene, this skill lets you explore the world with a keen eye for detail and intuition for what might be hidden just beneath the surface.

The turn order of the conflicts is determined by Perception rolls.

Keen Eye
You gain a bonus +1 to Perception when searching for hidden items, traps, or secret doors.
Forensic Investigator
You gain a bonus +1 to Perception when examining a crime scene or trying to deduce the cause of an event.
Pattern Recognition
You gain a bonus +1 to Perception when trying to piece together multiple clues or patterns, whether solving a mystery or breaking a cipher.
Gut Instinct
Once per session, when you are about to enter a situation, you can spend 1 Fate Point, the GM must give you a truthful hint or warning about a hidden danger or complication in the area.
Scene Reconstruction
You gain a bonus +1 to Perception when reconstructing the events of a scene from physical evidence, such as tracks, objects, or damage.


The Physique skill represents the character’s natural physical aptitudes, such as raw strength and endurance.

Damage. You gain an additional damage to melee weapons equal to half of your Physique skill level (rounded up).

Defense. The Physique skill gives you additional physical stress. See the table below.

Physique Stress Box
+0 Up to 2
+1 Up to 3
+2 Up to 3
+3 Up to 4
+4 Up to 4
+5 Up to 5
+6 Up to 5
+7 Up to 6
Mighty Thews
You gain a bonus +1 to Physique when attempting feats of raw strength, such as lifting heavy objects, bending bars, or breaking through obstacles like walls or doors.
Iron Stamina
You gain an additional mild physical consequence slot.
Resilient Body
You gain a bonus +1 to Physique when defending against poisonous effects of any kind.
Powerful Grapple
You gain a bonus +1 to Physique when attempting to grapple enemies.
Tough as Nails
You gain a bonus +1 to Physique when rolling to overcome or defend against being stunned, knocked back, or knocked unconscious.
Fury-Fueled Endurance
When you are taken out of a physical conflict due to stress or consequences, you can spend a fate point to remain active for one additional round. During that round, you gain +1 to Physique for any physical actions.


Shoot is the skill of using ranged weaponry, either in a conflict or on targets that don’t actively resist your attempts to shoot them.

In physical conflicts, Shoot can be used to perform a wide variety of moves, like trick shots, keeping someone under heavy fire, and the like.

Quick on the Draw
You can use Shoot instead of Notice to determine turn order in any physical conflict where shooting quickly would be useful.
Rapid Shot
You can make two Shoot attacks in a single turn against different targets, though you suffer a -1 penalty to both attacks.
You ignore the penalty for ranged attacks at long distances or against targets that are small, concealed, or behind cover.
Shooting in Melee
You suffer no penalties when using Shoot to attack enemies engaged in close combat with you.
Sniper’s Patience
When you take time to aim (by using an action before attacking), you gain an additional +2 bonus to your Shoot attack.
Each consecutive attack against the same target deals an additional +1 damage (can be stacked).
Thrown Weapon Expert
You gain a bonus +1 to damage when using thrown weapons in combat.


The Stealth skill allows you to avoid detection, both when hiding in place and trying to move about unseen.

Silent Movement
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when attempting to move quietly.
You gain a bonus +0 to Stealth when hiding in natural environments (like forests, caves, or fields).
Quick Escape
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when attempting to escape from a chase or to hide quickly from an immediate threat.
Distraction Tactics
Once per session, you may spend 1 Fate Point to create a distraction that allows you and your allies to gain +2 to their next Stealth check or to avoid detection altogether.
Unseen Assailant
If you succeed on a Stealth check to hide, you gain a +1 bonus on your first attack roll against a target that hasn’t detected you.
Undercover Master
You gain a bonus +1 to Stealth rolls when using disguises or deception to avoid detection.


The Survival skill represents a character’s ability to thrive in the wilderness and adapt to harsh environments. It covers essential skills such as hunting, foraging, tracking, navigation, setting up camp, and enduring the challenges of nature. Characters with this skill are capable of finding food, avoiding natural hazards, and navigating the wilds without the need for civilization’s comforts.

Master Tracker

You gain a bonus +1 to Survival when tracking people, animals, or creatures through wilderness.

Forager’s Eye

You never suffer penalties for hunger or thirst as long as there is any chance of finding natural resources. You gain +1 to Survival when foraging for food or water in hostile environments like deserts, jungles, or swamps.

Shelter Expert

You gain a bonus +1 to Survival when searching for a suitable campsite or building temporary shelters to protect against extreme weather conditions like storms, heat, or cold.

Wilderness Guide

You gain a bonus +1 to Survival when navigating or guiding a group through wilderness areas.

Animal Companion

You have a loyal animal companion (like a dog, hawk, or wolf) that can assist with tracking, hunting, or defending you in the wild.

Stealthy Hunter

You can use Survival instead of Stealth to move silently through wilderness environments, with a +1 bonus when hunting or evading detection by wild animals or other trackers.

Hardy Adventurer

You gain a bonus +1 to Survival rolls when resisting environmental hazards like extreme cold, heat, or storms. You also reduce the stress from exposure to these hazards by 1.

Beast Lore

You gain a bonus +1 to Survival when identifying or recalling knowledge about wild animals, including their habits, weaknesses, and tracking them.


The Vampirism skill determines your level of vampiric prowess. You can see all of the benefits of the Vampirism skill in Vampire page.


The Will skill represents your character’s general level of mental fortitude.

Damage. You gain an additional damage to magic attacks equal to half of your Will skill level (rounded up).

Defense. The Will skill gives you additional physical stress. See the table below.

Will Stress Box
+0 Up to 2
+1 Up to 3
+2 Up to 3
+3 Up to 4
+4 Up to 4
+5 Up to 5
+6 Up to 5
+7 Up to 6
You gain a bonus +1 to defend against mental attacks, fear effects, or attempts to intimidate or manipulate you.
Unshakeable Resolve
Once per scene, you can spend 1 Fate Point to ignore a mental consequence, like fear or doubt, allowing you to act as though it didn’t exist.
Magical Resistance
You gain a bonus +1 to your elemental defense.
Aura of Courage
Once per scene, you can grant all allies around you (including you) a bonus +1 to Will rolls against Fear effects.
Divine Will
You gain a bonus +1 to Will when resisting the effects of curses, and alike.
Arcane Focus
You gain a bonus +1 to Will rolls to keep your concentration on a spell.